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I had a recent interesting chat with one of the managers of one of Vienna’s better clubs discussing this very topic. Because it is mind-boggling to me that in a city like Vienna and with tourism and business opportunities only getting better and better, FKK Club (Saunaclubs) fail to continuously benefit from the opportunities presented. These are not my words but an analysis from him. If you are interested in learning more, don’t hesitate to read the whole article now. Here goes a short (in hindsight not so short) version of his theory:
For an FKK Club working girls are more important than clients
Clients of FKK Clubs and Saunaclubs are the hardest to please. The nature/concept of the FKK Saunaclub business is “All Inclusive” like we see it in holiday resorts like Robinson, Magic Life, Club Mediteranné and others. Compared to brothels like Babylon, Maxim, Casa Bianca and other more elite places around the country, clients in Saunaclubs are charged an affordable and reasonable entry fee when they get in and unless they want to consume some alcohol during the stay, there is no extra money to be made for the club. It’s a good system in that the club can easily calculate the average per capita income that they will make as long as they have enough clients and enough ladies. So, as long as they have attendance from both genders in balance, all is well and the business model works and runs smoothly “by itself”.
The “by itself” part is the first crux of the subject matter. Because now it’s all in the hands of the ladies as far as all the other money transactions are concerned and management shall not intervene unless absolutely necessary. And with so many sex sessions on any given day, there will always be some sessions that are somewhat disappointing.
In Saunaclubs in Austria, complaining about a bad or disappointing session is pretty superfluous. Management will mostly be biased towards the girl as she is the way better customer than you as a client are (her entrance fee is higher and she will be a much better regular paying visitor than you almost always). Also, the law dictates to better not intervene because the ladies are self-employed.
Funpalast introduces their current (cheaper) system breaking the natural market balance
Balance is important. The prices of FKK Club Goldentime and FKK Club Funpalast traditionally were practically identical until 2 years ago; 80/90€ entry fee and 60€ per session. Prices were identical, but the success of the two places and the quality of the clubs was not identical at all, therefore the market was out of balance already back then.
It soon became obvious that FP, despite being the much bigger club, was falling behind massively. So much so that at some point they decided to lower their prices drastically which was the birth of the new system that is also currently in place. An attempt to restore balance as far as general success is concerned. Not only the money counts, also reputation and number of visitors and girls and the respective ratio between/of them.
The current system today is 80€ entry, including a ticket with which you can pay the lady for a half an hour session. This means FP is making 30 € per customer of the entry fee and 50€ is the value of the ticket for the girl.
- A guest post about an unsatisfactory experience in Funpalast has recently been published on the Sex in Vienna blog. Take a look at it by clicking on the link: Bad Times at Funpalast

Assuming that the service level and quality and quantity of ladies in FP were similar to GT, this would have meant a massive boost in every aspect of the game pushing FP up and back to the top of the game. Well, in theory yes, practically not and the impact on all places and the Vienna sex market is severe.
A brothel has traditionally always been a place to spend money and not to save money. The pursuit of where to get the best deal is unnatural when it comes to quality services and beautiful ladies. This is unnatural in business and when it comes to interaction between girls and boys even more so.
Girls won’t go for the guy who is the least generous. Girls don’t appreciate men who are not willing to spend on them. It is not an attractive trait and this shows in less respect given by girls in FP to the clients. As far as this theory goes, the system is out of whack and market balance cannot easily be restored!
The real influence the FKK Club Funpalast price drop had on Vienna brothels
When they first introduced the ticket system, word spread that people would flock to FP for the better “value” and the girls were very willing to try. Therefore a good number of girls from everywhere including German FKKs and Saunaclubs, even Swiss FKKs and other clubs of Austria came to see with their own eyes. But also expectations were super high and very often girls only tried for a short while and then left Vienna again without giving other clubs a chance.
FP, as was expected, started to quickly gain momentum and popularity, though. It seemed as if finally they found their niche and they were doing well and saw potential to catch up on GT. And they kind of did.
What effect did the new system in Funpalast have on Goldentime?
GT had to see some of their girls longing to try FP desperately because they were curious. After all FP was so much cheaper all of a sudden and clients had to move from GT over to FP, hadn’t they? We don’t, of course, know how GT managed to convince or force most of their girls to stay in GT exactly, but if we had to guess it is reasonable to assume that once a girl planned to leave, she couldn’t have returned so easily, almost like burning this important metaphorical bridge. This is obviously a reasonable policy to install, because “you can’t have your cake and eat it, too”

GT saw themselves in a particularly difficult position because not only did they have a massive competitor (over girls) in Wellcum, now also FP acted out and tried to steal girls from them. This was when slowly but surely girls were unofficially allowed to ask higher prices for their services.
Remember, traditionally half an hour used to be 60€ including OWO always and sometimes kissing as well. Nowadays, unless you are a good regular client, 100 is the minimum that you have to give for a reasonable GFE session. For the girls this whole FP ticket affair has actually turned our pretty well. Finally, they can set their own value and sell their services to who is willing to spend. After all, 60€ for sex with a stunner is laughable, anyway. Let’s put the numbers in perspective:
Comparison of major Saunaclubs in Austria
Let’s assume that FKK girls want to work only in an FKK. So, in this FKK bubble in Austria we have a dozen Saunaclubs with only three big players today:
- Goldentime Vienna
- Funpalast Vienna
- Wellcum Kärnten
Those are the only three Saunaclubs that can theoretically host 100 ladies and 300+ clients at the same time without collapsing. In reality, only Wellcum is actually pulling that off. They have become the strongest force in FKK today in Austria and arguably in all of Europe. This is a debate for another day, so let’s say they are kind of equal as being the three big players.
So, in a club like Wellcum the girls can make a fortune, always have more than enough clients, great management and comfort as Wellcum is perfectly managed and optimized in many ways. They can, however ask 70 for a half hour and not more, unless for extra services like CIM, Anal, etc.

In FP half an hour costs 60€ but in fact most people use only their ticket which is only worth 50 to the lady (with the added “bonus” of a shitty feeling that she’s being paid in tickets)
In GT half an hour is 60 but in fact girls REALLY want a 100 and many guys are caving in at the end and pay up. GT really had to allow the girls to charge that kind of price because there were too many good reasons to leave for the one of the other two places.
What we have today is GT with many girls but mostly sharky ones and a declining number of clients because of a few reasons:
• Prices are not transparent and not consistent
• Girls are sharky, often arrogant
• The ladies openly play with their phones in the club, although this is against the policy in most Saunaclubs
• The girls are mostly not naked any longer and may wear more and more pieces of clothing (which is actually the same in Wellcum and FP)
After this conversation, I truly believe Funpalast had an indirect effect on the current state of Saunaclubs and FKKs in Vienna and Austria in general. Because of Funpalast lowering their entry fee and introducing the ticket system, Goldentime had to retaliate somehow. And this resulted in basically the girls running things and asking as much as they want in Goldentime. As a result of all of this, I feel like the whole FKK scene in Austria has declined and is currently in its worst state up until now.
Let’s see how Long GT Management will sit idly by and let People have real reasons to not go to the best FKK Club any longer because they are giving up their leads irresponsibly!
Do you agree with what you have read here? If you have anything to add or you wish to discuss this topic further, join the conversation over on the SV Forum and tell us what YOU think! Here you can find the Funpalast Forum, join us!
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