
Vienna Sex News

This page contains all important and worthwhile news that have happened in the Vienna sex scene. By browsing this category, you can learn about the latest happenings, new laws and regulations that have been introduced, as well as anything else that we think our readers should know more about when it comes to the Viennese prostitution industry. Additionally, we also touch on news from other countries, especially when it has an impact on the sex scene in Wien too. This means new laws that are being introduced in the neighbouring German speaking countries, establishments going bankrupt and much more.

We acquire the information that you can read in our articles from reliable sources, so our posts only contain accurate and real information. We scour the local and international press for the latest Sex Vienna news, and we also include our experts’ take on the subjects. As a result of this, you can read interesting and very informational posts in this section, especially if you wish to read the latest sex news that have happened in the capital of Austria.

If you are interested in learning more about the current situation of the Vienna sex scene, you should definitely browse the articles that you find under this category right now!

Latest News Articles

Daisy is back in Vienna Sex Scene

If you have been reading our Sex in Vienna blog,…

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BREAKING NEWS: New prices in Golden Time Sauna Club

According to a report that has recently been posted in…

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Current situation in Peepshow Burggasse

Peepshow Burggasse UPDATE 2020 PS Burggasse also had to close…

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Hot Summer Months – Vienna Sex Scene News

Every year, the sex scene in Vienna slows down over…

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Recent news regarding the sex scene in Vienna

A couple of noteworthy things have happened in Vienna when…

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Daisy leaves the Vienna paysex scene

Most of our loyal readers are probably familiar with Daisy…

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Maxim Wien reopening today

We’ve recently acquired information about Sexclub Maxim Wien’s reopening. According…

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WARNING: Avoid Studio Pallfygasse 20

According to one of our Sex-Vienna forum users (XXX Addict)…

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Why you shouldn’t give your number to escort girls

At first, it might seem like a fantastic and smart…

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All Police Licensed Brothels in Vienna

Vienna offers a multitude of different choices when it comes…

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