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Felberstraße used to be one of the biggest street for Prostitution until the new and improved Prostitution law of 2011 banned street Prostitution from almost all parts of the City to the outskirts/industrial area. Now it will become a green Oasis away from redlight.
The initial designs for the Felberstraße area’s makeover were provided by the city. For the next year, the greatest suggestions from the public are being gathered.
The city has been working with BB to create “climate-friendly” districts out of old train station locations for a number of years. The following project is located in the vicinity of Westbahnhof, especially along Felberstrasse.
Sima: “We want to take advantage of historic potential for green space.”
The development of the storage grounds, which are around six hectares in size and are no longer needed, will take into account continued train operations.
The proposals have no impact on the Westbahnhof itself, which will continue to serve as a train hub. Ulli Sima (SP), a member of the planning council, stated at the presentation on Monday, 7th of November, that the project should center on environmental sustainability.
“In such a heavily populated location, my attention is firmly fixed on fresh, roomy green areas.
Because there aren’t many green spaces in the 15th district surrounding the Westbahnhof, such as Auer-Welsbach-Park or Reithofferpark, there is a historical opportunity to create a brand-new, sizable, and distinctive green space in Vienna’s west, which would make the entire region noticeably more appealing “Sima says.
Grätzel meeting point planned at Rustensteg
At this time, residents of the towns of Rudolfsheim-Fünfhaus, Penzing, Neubau, and Mariahilf are contributing to the project’s completion. Ideas are gathered over the course of a year via a participatory process at events, on tours, and in conversations. At the end of November, there will be a “conversation day,” which will include neighborhood walks.
Additionally, the “Stadtraum Mitte 15,” a temporary neighborhood gathering place, will be built on Rustensteg and used as an informational center for the participation process. The planned area is populated by more than 21,000 people.
Building law: “Site has potential for development”
“The Westbahnhof serves as a crucial transportation center for us. On its empty operational regions, the related property has a lot of potential for growth. In the heavily populated 15th district, the redesign process is a fantastic chance that will provide residents with additional green space and open areas “district manager Dietmar Baurecht states.
Silvia Angelo, a board member of BB-Infrastruktur, adds, “We are happy to be able to offer such a significant contribution to the development of the region around the Westbahnhof and consider the public engagement process as a tremendous opportunity and a source of inspiration for further planning.
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