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Vienna is among the most popular destinations when it comes to paid sex. This is mostly because of the large number of reputable sexbars, Laufhauses, FKKs and Vienna escort agencies. There are numerous acclaimed businesses when it comes to escorts in the city, but unfortunately there are also agencies that tend to use unfair tricks to get the most money out of clients. In this blog post, we will be writing about some of these unfair tricks that Vienna escort agencies use. Read on to find out more about this!
- Click on the link now if you would rather read about the Best High Class Escort Agencies in Vienna!
Using fake photos on their site to advertise girls
A trick some Vienna escort agencies regularly use is publishing fake and non-existent photos of girls on their website. This can mean either photos that were stolen from the internet, or pictures of the girl that have been enhanced to the point of no recognition.
This is used to lure clients in by presenting girls to them who in reality aren’t even working for that Vienna escort agency. The best tip to avoid this trick is to read reviews that other people have left about the escort agency. You can also avoiding businesses that have photos online that seem too good to be true. You can also do a quick search for the pictures online to see if they have been used elsewhere.

Vienna escort agencies that use the same girl under a different name
Another shady tactic is posting the same girl they previously had on the website under a different name. This is used in order to “start with a clean plate”. If the girl had negative comments online, they simply create a new profile under a different name to start over.
Clients can easily fall for this trick if they are not well-versed in researching the girls or knowledgeable in the Vienna sex scene. Since there are no negative reviews about the girl online, nobody can really know how bad of a service that particular girl is offering.
This means that clients will book the girl, even if she was previously reported to be notorious for bad service, upselling or anything else. A great example of a Vienna escort agency that tends to do this is Escort Elisabeth. This agency is among the sketchiest ones that regularly use this shady tactic to fool clients.
Sending the wrong girl to the escort date
Imagine this: you browse the Vienna escort agency’s website, you see a girl that you like and you immediately book her for an hour. You get ready for the date and everything seems to be going according to plan, only to realize that a different lady has arrived to the escort date than the one you have chosen.
This is something that shady escort agencies in Vienna use on a regular basis. This works because most clients are too horny or shy to actually address the problem and send the girl away. Because of this, these shady escort agencies can use fake photos on the site and advertise girls who are not present, and actually get away with it.

Some Vienna escort agencies advertise services that the girls are not even offering
Another tactic Viennese escort agencies tend to use is advertising services to clients that the girls are not even offering. This can be problematic if you are looking for a specific service that you want the girl to offer. If you encounter these types of escort agencies, it will probably be too late when you actually realize that you have fallen into their trap.
Most clients will go on with the date even if the girl is not offering that particular service. Just like with sending the wrong girl away, this is mostly because of the horniness and shyness of the client. Also, some clients do not want to be rude towards the girls. Because of this they won’t them away. Clients cave in and proceed with the date, even if it wasn’t what they had imagined.
Offering cheap fees, but very high extras for everything
There are Vienna escort agencies that offer their services for a low price; this is nothing new. However, there are some agencies that are offering low initial fees, but if you opt for any additional services, you will have to pay a small fortune.
Clients might not know the exact price of certain services and they might accept the offer in the heat of the moment, only to realize how much they actually need to pay for said service. Being tricked like this can give you a fake sense of getting a good deal. When in reality you are paying the same amount than you would at an actually good Vienna escort agency. This can be a huge problem, especially if you were expecting to pay a low price.
- Read the following article to find out Why you shouldn’t give your number to escort girls!
Vienna escort agencies that try to make you go for additional expenses
Certain unfair Vienna escort agencies will relentlessly try to get the client to pay for any additional expenses. This could mean overpriced services, booking two girls at once for a duo, trying to make the client extend the date, and many other shady tactics.
Of course, a duo with two escort ladies can be amazing in theory. However, if the escort agency is trying to make you go for those services, this is usually a red flag.

Conclusion on unfair tricks used by Vienna escort agencies
As you can see from this article, there are different Vienna escort agencies that use unfair tricks. You should definitely read up on the escort agency before booking. This will make sure that you minimize the chances of falling for these tactics. If you are able to distinguish a shady Vienna escort agency and a reputable and honest one, you are definitely on the right path. Always go for the more reputable business! You are definitely going to get a better service on your escort date in Vienna!