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A dedicated member of our community recently sent in a guest post in which he shares his latest experience in Kontaktcafe, where he went because of an Austrian girl who for some reason works there.
We have taken the liberty of formatting the text a little bit and adding pictures, but the experience has been posted as you can read it here. We would like to thank the user for his submission and we are grateful for the community’s dedication to the blog. Without further ado, here is the full guest report that was submitted:
Sex bar culture in Vienna
I’d like to start off my report by saying that Vienna has always had a great sex bar culture that was second to none. Granted, this was many years ago when the bars along the Gürtel were still quality places where you could generally find at least one gem in any bar, on any given day. But as you probably already know, I am sad to say that those days are very long gone.
Now most of the bars are in bad shape with not many attractive ladies working. I still decided to visit Kontaktcafe on the weekend, as I heard rumours that an Austrian gem can be found there.
Why I visited Kontaktcafe on a Saturday
So I went to Kontaktcafe, which is one of those places that is not very expensive, located in a really bad area of the city, but the place has previously had a certain quality of girls and you could get lucky and find a good one every so often. Let me remind you that this was on a Saturday in October, which is supposed to be one of the strongest days in the strongest months of the year, but the girls were certainly nothing special, except one.
The main reason why I went there is because a guy told me that I could find an Austrian gem in Kontaktcafe this weekend. He was with her previously and he had the highest of praise because she’s an Austrian girl, very well educated and very motivated to give good service. I immediately thought to myself that it’s weird that an Austrian girl would end up in Kontaktcafe, but who knows.
- Read our blog post about the Best Austrian Escort Girls and Sex Workers in Vienna if you want to find other great Austrian ladies in the city!
Meeting this Austrian gem in Kontaktcafe
I would like to apologize for not remembering her name, but I picked her immediately as soon as I arrived, something that I don’t usually do. I usually order a drink and let the girls come to me, but this time I wasted no time because she was really the only good looking girl there. Everyone else was, to put it bluntly, on the ugly side. There was a black girl from Nigeria who wasn’t particularly ugly, but she wasn’t a Nubian Queen or anything, so also not very attractive either.
So, I sat down with the Austrian girl and invited her for a drink. She’s really good looking and it was great chatting with her. While we talked, I figured out why she is currently working in a place like Kontaktcafe.

Why is this Austrian girl working in Kontaktcafe?
Turns out, she has had interviews in better places like Maxim and the rest and she got all the information that she needed to start working, but she never went through with it. She told me she was intimidated by the number of girls she was told would be working there, as well as by the looks of them.
Granted, she wouldn’t be the prettiest girl at Maxim, but she would definitely be among the most desired ones, being Austrian and all. She’s also part Hungarian, which is a great mix by the way.
Would repeat her, but not in Kontaktcafe
I bought her another small drink and yes, we went to the room and the experience with her was a jam as I expected. But this place is just too bad and she really doesn’t fit into that bar, so I wouldn’t repeat her there, even though I had an absolutely great time.
I really hope that I will find her in a place that deserves her, because Kontaktcafe is just a mess. And an Austrian girl is not supposed to be working in that area of the town, in a group of ladies which are all on the ugly side. Of course, she was the best looking one among them, but she’s an Austrian and she doesn’t have to shy away from competition.
I am entirely sure that she will change the place because this is certainly not the style that she deserves. And when she does move to a better place, I will probably become one of her regular clients.
Parting words from the Sex in Vienna admin
We would like to encourage our readers to share their own experiences either in the SV Forum or by submitting a guest post here on the Sex in Vienna blog. If the information is relevant and could be helpful for the other members of the community, we will make sure to post it on the blog so everyone can read and learn from it.
You can read what other members though about this guest post by reading the comments left in the “Austrian Gem in Kontaktcafe” forum thread. If you would like to read other articles that have been posted on the Sex in Vienna blog, go ahead and check out some of these related articles now!