Prices for half an hour increased in Funpalast Saunaclub

According to our sources, the Funpalast Saunaclub in Vienna needs to increase the price that the girls are asking for a half an hour session because of the current inflation. The spokesperson for the saunaclub stated that the reasoning behind this is the increase in the energy prices.

In order to keep the saunaclub operational, the prices need to be increased. For more details about this and to see what the situation is in Maxim Wien, keep reading!

Increase in price in Funpalast

The Funpalast Saunaclub has recently announced that they are increasing the prices of half an hour services.

According to their statement, the price for half hour is getting increased by 10 euros. Currently, the price for half hour is 60 euros, however from the end of May it will be increased to 70 euros.

The price for entry is not going to be increased and the price of drinks and food is not getting increased either.

Why is the increase in price necessary?

According to sources, the new price is needed because of the significant energy price increase. The saunaclub caters to around 1,000 people every day and the facilities and the energy that is consumed has higher costs for the owner. Additionally, the women are also feeling the overall price increase in fuel, food and accommodation. Because of this, in order to make it fair for everyone, the price for half an hour is being increased. The change is supposed to happen soon, somewhere around the end of May.

No price increase in Maxim Wien

Sources indicate that there is not going to be a price increase in the Maxim Wien club. The club has been operational for many years and their prices usually stay around the same level. In fact, the current prices in Maxim have been the same for the last 10 years. According to the spokesperson from Maxim Wien, they intend to keep the prices as they are and were, unless anything unexpected happens.

Although the two clubs are not really comparable, it is still nice to see that the prices are not going up in all establishments and that some clubs can keep offering the same service for the same price even in a situation like this.

Learn more about the clubs

The following section features a review that we published about Maxim Wien, as well as other news.

Click on the links below to read the full length articles!

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Maxim Wien Review

Not too long ago we posted a full length review about the Maxim Wien club on our website.

In this post you can learn everything you need to know about this sexclub in Vienna.

Find out more about the club’s location, what you can expect if you visit and everything else you’d ever need to know. Click the link and read the full review now!

Pricing in Goldentime Vienna totally out of control

This article is from last year, but as you can see other establishments have increased the prices as well. Read more about why the pricing in Goldentime Vienna is out of control and why we wrote this piece last year. The situation hasn’t changed much lately, with the prices and what’s happening in the saunaclub remaining pretty much the same. To read more about this, click on the link above!