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We have recently been informed that the entry price into the Funpalast Saunaclub in Vienna has been raised. If you wish to learn more about this and the current situation of Viennese saunaclubs, be sure to read the full blog post now!
New entry price in Funpalast
The information about the Funpalast entry fee increase has been reported in the SV Forum Funpalast thread by one of our community members:
New info: Funpalast has just raised the entry fee. It costs 90 EUR, 10 EUR more than before. The half-hour sex ticket is still included.
User Punterking
We can now confirm that this info is true, entry into the saunaclub has been raised by 10€. The entry fee is now 90€ and the price still contains a ticket that is valid for a half an hour session with one of the girls. This means that the ticket system is still in place and everybody who enters Funpalast is eligible for it.
Current situation in Funpalast and other Vienna saunaclubs
In recently years, the number of customers in Viennese Saunaclubs has declined compared to what the number was a few years ago. There have also been an alarming number of negative or unsatisfied reports on the local forums, as well as our SV forum. Additionally, Funpalast has also been struggling with girls leaving the saunaclub and going to work at other (rival) establishments.
- Related article: Bad Times at Funpalast
It is speculated that one of the main reasons for this is the fact that Funpalast has become the budget club for anybody who is looking to pay the least amount, while still being in a saunaclub setting. These clients usually do not care about the quality of the saunaclub or the services that the girls offer; they just want to have a cheap session without having to visit budget studios, which are usually in atrocious condition.

Another problem that seemingly all major FKKs in Vienna are struggling with is the fact that most of the ladies who work there do not concentrate on the clients. It is much more common to see the girls talking among themselves and not paying attention to the clients, they constantly fiddle with their mobile phones and they simply do not care about the visitors. Most of the clubs have a policy against girls being on their phones, but it seems none of the establishments enforce this rule.
- Related article: False medical emergency at Funpalast
Last, but not least, an issue many clients who visit Funpalast or Goldentime have complained about is the fact that most of the girls are trying to upsell their services once they get to the room. Before the room they agree to anything, but once it comes to actually doing the deed, they back off and ask for more money. Unfortunately, many clients cave in because of the fact that they have their pants down and just want to get the desired services, so they pay the girls, which kind of encourages them to continue this behavior.
The FKK market in Vienna is very saturated and nobody is willing to risk opening another club. As a result of this, the owners of the currently established FKKs are not under a lot of pressure to increase the quality of their businesses. This might be one of the reasons why the saunaclubs we have in Vienna are barely evolving, or not evolving at all. Maybe this entry fee increase in Funpalast will have a positive impact on the whole business, but we cannot say for sure. We will have to wait and see what comes of the price increase.
Previously, we have published an article entitled Is Funpalast responsible for the decline in quality of Austrian Saunaclubs? on the Sex in Vienna blog. If you are interested in learning the answer to the question, be sure to click on the link and read that blog post too. You also have the option of joining the SV Forum and reading the numerous reviews, news reports and other types of conversations left by users who have already joined. Go ahead and check it out now!
If you want to read more, here are some related articles that have been posted on our blog: