Escort Review Camelia / Stella Darling Escort

Camelia is a well-known sexworker in Vienna for 2-3 years, known for mostly working at Studio La Chica in the 14th district of Vienna. La Chica used to belong to the Studio Relaxe Group which has 2 more branches, but they allegedly somehow parted ways. Nonetheless, their websites and general marketing strategy remains the same as it ever was, which indicates that at least their marketing crew is still united. Which is why I like to see those 3 studios as one company, even though maybe that is not the case on paper. But since everything else is the same in all 3 studios and girls periodically change between the studios, I think it is not a wrong assumption to see them as one group.

Escort girl Camelia’s specifics

Camelia’s photos are recent and accurate. WYSIWYG and it is fair to call her attractive, yet not stunning. As far as her personality goes, she is calm but not inactive per se. So usually all is good with Camelia.

Camelia’s service has always been extensive, including sex without condom (AO) and anal without condom (AOGR) for an extra price. Not what I am consuming, but for the sake of information all readers of this review should be aware of it.

I have visited her a few times in Studio La Chica in the middle of 2017. Last week I decided to give her another go and after just a little bit of searching online I detected her having left La Chica and now being advertised (also) on Darling Escort’s portfolio of Escorts as Stella.

Now Darling is a mediocre escort agency, we all know that. It is not worse than most agencies and among the Romanian dominated and Romanian run agencies, they are slightly above par. But still a marginal call to book there since there are better options out there. For the record: I ALWAYS disregard the price range of the agency and book according to what I want and not according to my budget.

Why Darling Vienna?

I solely made the booking based on the fact that I wanted Camelia again and it was unrelated to the agency I would book with. So, in that case it was Darling Vienna as there wasn’t any other choice. By now you can book Camelia through Studio La Chica again or still through Darling. But I feel like service-wise she will probably go higher for extra services like anal and the likes.

Darling Escort Booking phone call

I made the call and the girl on the phone (almost always girls on the phone, only in very rare instances there are guys on the phone, which is a bit odd to be honest) and her English was better than my German so we stuck with that. Camelia was available and I wanted her in my home at 10 pm sharp. Just out of curiosity I asked about services and stuff knowing fully well that the phone lady will not give me the info that I want to know. And, of course, the berating started about the Austrian laws and services are not to be discussed and etc.

We all know that real high-end escort agencies will tell you what you want to know. Maybe not about the pricing of extras, but they will give you a ballpark number if you need it to make the decision. An experienced phone lady or guy knows to politely address all issues and answer all questions. So, in that regard the phone lady, who I suspect to be Austrian (going by her accent or lack thereof) was not the best but it was a moot point anyway, as I did it just for fun. I know what Camelia would do and what she wouldn’t.

Telling my address through the phone didn’t work so I texted it and all was perfectly set.

Waiting time to arrival and picking Camelia up

Camelia arrived almost on time and the delay was expected considering the storm outside which made traffic probably difficult. I hadn’t specified she wear anything specific but she came all cleaned up in a skirt and jacket and a blouse underneath so she looked pretty good and would have been okay to take out in the center even. Which I didn’t, as it wasn’t what I had in mind at all.

Undressing the lady and WHOOAA

Inside, after offering her a drink which she refused I handed the money over. The price at Darling was different than in Studio La Chica but it was all right and I paid the somewhat higher than expected fee. Naturally, I asked her if she wanted to take a shower and she declined. Usually first warning sign right there but I thought, what the heck, she probably did it before leaving her home. NOPE – I was wrong yet again.

To make a long story short, Camelia came unhygienic and didn’t care enough to take a shower although I offered it and she clearly needed one. I had taken a blue pill well in time so I was ready but the fact that Camelia really smelled made it all kind of …. wobbly … down there.

It hit me right after undressing her and despite it not being the worst smell I had to endure during sex in my life, it was a definite turn-off, for sure.

I let her perform a blowjob first as always and that could have taken the edge off things, but it really didn’t at first and I started to panic inside and asked her to break it off and wait a second. So I got ourselves 2 glasses of water and also got myself a chewing gum as an alibi to really give the second one to her. Guess what, she declined the so-very-much-needed mint that would have made her breath okay. In hindsight, I should have insisted on both: the shower and the chewing gum, but being the moron that I sometimes am, I thought I wouldn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable and self-conscious about it.

So here I am, high on Viagra but low on boner because of a very unnecessary and so very uncomfortable situation. And unexpected, as I have known her a while and I never pegged her as the dirty kind of girl.

Longest hour of my life, it seemed. Okay, in the end she made me cum and all’s well that ends well, sort of. I literally needed almost the full hour of her sucking and performing all kinds of stunts to make me hard. I wonder if she knew what was wrong and that it was her and not me because I was prepared and horny as hell until… the incident.

Now you probably want to know if she took a shower before she left and yes she did, but that wasn’t a real consolation.


Don’t know really who to blame.

  • Myself for not insisting? Maybe!
  • The agency for not prepping the girls the minimum standard of hygiene? Probably not!
  • Camelia for being dirty? I don’t even know anymore.

Today, writing these lines I laugh about it and see it and smell it all as if it was happening right now. Goosebumps moment and not the good kind to be honest.

Rating of the Escort date

I give the agency 7/10, deducting 2 points because of the blah and the blah and deducting 1 point because Camelia came a little bit late. Not that there’s much for the phone lady to do, but she didn’t do anything wrong. I am sure she was instructed to not talk too much on the phone with clients who ask specific service-related questions.

I give Camelia 4/10, deducting 4 for lack of hygiene and 2 for being dumb and not understanding my hints. I mean, COME ON! If someone offers you a piece of gum you ALWAYS take it, no matter what. The 4 points are for making me cum, which was a marathon.

I give myself 2/10 because I was just plain dumb and finally I give 10/10 to the blue pill. JOB WELL DONE! Under enormous difficulties, we weathered the storm together!

Because of this incident, Camelia is now downgraded from “highly recommended” to “not recommended”.

I hope you like my review and if you want to discuss this further, read this Sex-Vienna thread where you can add your question.

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