Requested a refund at a brothel, got four years in prison instead

A 33-year-old customer who visited a brothel in Wals near Salzburg in July had forcibly demanded a refund for his love services.

As a result, he has been sentenced to four years in prison by the Salzburg Regional Court for aggravated robbery. The verdict is not yet final.

It Wasn’t Just a Simple Request, it was Life Threatening

According to the indictment, on July 8th, the 33-year-old man spent the night with a prostitute at a “running house,” paying her a total of 4,000 euros for her services.

When the woman tried to leave, he demanded the money back and brandished a kitchen knife. The woman attempted to disarm him, leading to both of them suffering cuts in the scuffle. The man then grabbed an axe and threatened to hit the woman with it.

Out of fear, she took the 4,000 euros she had just earned from her backpack and placed them on the table.

After the woman tried to call the police, the man took her mobile phone and threatened her again with the axe. She fled the scene and the Romanian man was later arrested, remaining in custody since.

Previously We Wrote

While you are reading this blog post, there are some serious pimping cases going on in Mallorca. The authorities have found out that some women have been forced for 21 hours day-by-day.  Read more about what the police have found out in Mallorca on SexWorkVienna.

Even the priests are doing some shady things these days.

The news were been on fire about a senior priest who enticed people to have sex with people in his bedroom. You can read the whole story on SexClubWien.

The solution to the problem is always there. That is why we wrote an extensive post about how legal prostitution protects women from crime and violence, published on Sex-Vienna.