Recent news about illegal prostitution

Illegal prostitution has always been a problem and there are many women who are forced into selling their bodies against their will. In this post, we will be writing about a few recent trials where human traffickers are being judged.

If you want to read more about these illegal prostitution trials, keep reading now and click on the related links in the news pieces.

22-year-old in trial for underage prostitution

A 22 year old man is in trial in Frankfurt because he referred four underage girls to clients for sexual activities. Apparently he was advertising the ladies and found the suitors online. Additionally, he is also being charged for pimping and rape as well.

The defendant admitted to offering the girls online, but according to him, the girls weren’t forced into prostitution and they received a hefty amount of money for their services.

Allegedly, a girl who was 17 at the time got several thousand euros for her sexual services.

Although the girls might have received money for their services and they did it voluntarily, underage prostitution and pimping is still against the law.

The trial was also observed by a psychiatrist who assessed the man’s mental health, as he previously stated that he is autistic.

The police are still investigating and the trial has been postponed till December.

Couple in prison for smuggling

A 37 years old man and his partner a 45-year-old woman have been sentenced to prison because of smuggling, tax evasion, document forging and illegal prostitution.

Apparently, the couple have smuggled at least 14 Chinese women into Germany who then started working as prostitutes.

Some of the Chinese women had forged documents when they entered the country.

The man has a Chinese citizenship and this is most probably how they found the women in China. The couple has confessed to most of the allegations and they have been sentenced to three years in prison.

Forced prostitution trials in Germany, Cologne

In this article, you can read about two more forced prostitution trials that have happened in Germany.

One of the trials is about a 40 years old man who forced a 21 years old girl into prostitution for several years. He threatened and abused the woman regularly and she had to sell her body for his profit.

The other news piece in the Sex Club Wien post is about a 39-year-old man who forced his girlfriend into prostitution for eight years. He used the loverboy method to lure her into a toxic and abusive relationship from which she couldn’t escape. For more details about both of these trials, read the original article!

Prostitute shares her experience on OnlyFans

There is another Sex Club Wien post about a prostitute who shared her experience on the widely popular website OnlyFans.

According to her, only a small number of women make great money through the service and the fact that she is a prostitute made her experience much worse.

She had to fear of being banned every day and she felt like she was working 24/7.

To read the entire article about her experience on OnlyFans, click on the following link now: Prostitute shares her experience on OnlyFans

Why you should avoid illegal apartment prostitution

Illegal prostitution in apartments in Vienna was always a problem, but it became more serious since the coronavirus pandemic started.

We mentioned few reasons why you should avoid such services here: Why you should avoid illegal apartment prostitution

Reasons against a prostitution ban in Vienna

We have a well-functioning sex scene in Vienna, where all of the participants know his or her tasks.

The Girls and Brothels sells their services, pay taxes and the Police and other authorities do the regulation and supervision.

But there are some people who think that prostitution must be banned.

We disagree and in this post we explained why we think this: Reasons against a prostitution ban in Vienna

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