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Looking back on my longest absence from Vienna’s highclass mongering scene I am glad to say I am back with a BOOM and OOMPH and hopefully in all glory. Private matters to attend are one thing but since the Sex in Vienna fever has infected me years ago I give in and admit there seems to be no cure! Especially since new beauties arrives, such as Rebecca from Czech Republic.
August is off season in Vienna in many regards and especially when it comes to the sex scene. Many brothel use the summer season which is exceptionally slow to close shop for a while and do some overdue renovations or cosmetic changes. Many of sexworking ladies use August to go home to their home countries. Make no mistake, Romania and Bulgaria are brilliant places to have recreational fun in the summer as they have great beaches.
Traditionally not many new girls come to Vienna in the summer because of those before mentioned 2 reasons.
Let’s be glad there are still some places that provide good fun and pretty ladies also in the summer, even if on a smaller scale…
Back in Vienna I made some calls to see what I had missed and I learned that
- EVE BAR is closed at the moment – rightfully so I must add
- Maxim has less than 20 girls right now which hasn’t been the case in all of my visits that year but it is summer and let’s forgive that
- GT has only 30 girl or so, that is an alltime low
- FP is almost dead and has less than 30 girls on any given summer day – WOW
Hot summer day – one of a few in 2016
Wandering the city on a hot summer day is exhausting and exciting at the same time. It is not rare that I end up horny as hell after a day like that and since I was already in the centre which better way of release is there than going to Maxim? Yep, none at all!
11 pm and I enter into the Maxim halls seeing less traffic than expected. 2016 summer has collected its toll also from Maxim but the staff and the girls seemed very unaffected by it. Good mood, good times even with not very much to do for them in relation to normal week days.
Didn’t see the exact number of girls but between 12 – 16 is my best guess. Not that many but also not too low for August.
Back as if I never left
Surprised to see one of the old waiters and also the receptionist lady who I felt was fired before. All wounds can be mended as it seems. I was happy in a way to see him back, the guy is a good time to talk to and always honest when it comes to describing the girls.
Rebecca from Czech Republic is a Maxim Angel straight outta heaven
But I needed no further description because right there on the bar to my left I saw a blonde angel straight from heaven. Alright, angels in my dreams are a bit more busty. Rebecca is flat but all in all she is a MAGNIFICENT creature. Face, hair, teeth and smile, outfit and her slender body are really to die for. When I started to talk to her she immediately lit up and showed her brightest smile. She caught me in the moment in which I lingered unreleased for what felt like an eternity. Did I mention the part where I was horny as hell – Rebecca added butterflies into the mix.

Rebecca is absolutely a wonderful case of WYSIWYG
Her photos on the site are real and current (they always are real on the Maxim site… not always current) but she is super hot in reality too.
See for yourself and check out her pictures:
Rebecca from Czech Republic is a sensitive person, so skilled in chit-chat and conversation. She is deep and shallow at the same time as she needs be, countering my every verbal move with ease. Drinking is not her strongest of suits. I felt that after the second small champagne she was more giggly and then again double as concentrated to stay sophisticated. Rebecca is a woman of format with the looks of a girl and the mind of a woman in her very best years. I didn’t give into my primal needs of screwing her immediately but let my lust linger around. I felt I had to be a gentlemen with her as she deserved one. This was my best behaviour, proudly so but usually I am not after a few drinks and I had started kicking them back already in the afternoon. Good job, MARCUS
Of course my horniness got the better of me in the end and I am so glad.
Sex with Rebecca from Czech Republic
Do I want to describe the sex I had with Rebecca in perfect detail? YES YES YES
Should I and can I do it . SORRY but NO.
I try to be honest about that stuff and if I catch a bitch I screw her as a bitch and forget her as the forgetable bitch that she is. But Rebecca from Czech Republic deserves better than that. I cannot get into detail as it is probably expected on my blog but please forgive my weakness, I really don’t want to out of respect for Rebecca.
We made it a romantic 2-hour festival and I stayed on my best behaviour every single minute of it.
As a summary Rebecca is a perfect 10 if you can get over the fact that she is flat-chested but everything else is perfect. There wasn’t a boring second in the 2 hours I spent with her. I am very much reminded of my early romances which even made me the writer that I have become and evolved to be.

I have never written a review that fast and as everything else with Rebecca was easy and so is the flow of words.
Maxim and their girls provide good erotic fun also in the summer of 2016 and the ladies are attractive, on average more attractive than in all the other sexclubs in Vienna. Ugly and fugly girls don’t usually get into Maxim at all.
Read this Sex-Vienna forum thread about Rebecca if you want to discuss this topic with other community members!
About Maxim Wien
Sex Club and Night Club Maxim Wien
Kärntner Str. 61, 1010 Vienna, Austria
+43 699 17172031