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Diana from Juchgasse 11 is a stunner and knows how NOT to use her body you can read about another woman that works in the same place from a fellow another entry who is equally bad sex. I avoided the woman he wrote about if I had done my online web browsing as I usually do, I wouldn’t have had this terrible sex experience.
There have been other complaints about Diana, this time I simply looked at laufhaus‘ webpage found her attractive and went. In return I got a very bad treatment to put it beautifully. As I mentioned in my previous article it isn’t a laufhaus‘ business to do quality control! All that the place does is house women, as long as they pay their month’s rent they can even live there. This is why women such as Diana and Yvette are free to do as they see fit.
How the Whoredeal Started
The whole thing began after I saw her pictures, I think I must have been drunk, tiered or otherwise mentally disabled when I made my appointment. I had even forgotten about it, if I hadn’t marked the appointment’s in my phone I wouldn’t have gone at all. I was surprised when I heard my phone’s notification but I thought to myself she must be good or else why would I have bothered inserting her into my calendar.
Strangely the weather was just fine, I was hoping to finish a good day with a bang and what I ended up with was a full-blown catastrophe. I didn’t have any issues with the parking or getting to Laufthaus Juchgasse 11.
After I had arrived I went straight up to her room, knocked on the door waited a little for her to answer. I can’t say I enjoy waiting for anybody least of all the people I pay. Eventually, in spite of my appointment, and after knocking on her door insistently she did manage to open. I can only assume that her photos were taken some time ago but maybe she’s simply photogenic. I can’t say she looked much worst, just that in real life she seemed to have a wrinkle or two extra.

Can I Call it Sex When I don’t Orgasm?
I went and showered, she didn’t do anything to try and accompany. When I got out I asked her if she would blow me bareback she said yes that gave me some hope, she said she didn’t kiss, I didn’t mind that so much.
After that she started going on and on about this and that until well most of whoremones had died out, than she suddenly went at my dick. But her blow job must have been the worst I have ever had, and that’s saying something, when she touched my dick with her mouth I didn’t feel one thing, it was as if a slow current of air was flowing up and down, I tried moving my dick in her mouth and instantly she started gagging, I wasn’t even violent with her.
Before I knew it she said that enough was enough little did she notice that I was flaccid. I played with it again and again yet nothing happened I think she gave me an antierection, then in a ditch effort to fuck her I managed to get a semi-erection and went in her I didn’t last too long.
She seemed to look away as I was doing her, in the end I got out. I was angry, bitter, filled with read heat and when I get like this I have to admit I get vocal after all it was my money she had gotten, all 89 euro’s for the half hour . I came out of her then through the perfectly clean condom on her belly. Looked her in the eyes and told her wet paint had more passion. I found masturbation a far more pleasurable experience.
I walked out, slammed the door and I will never ever return there. I hope many people will read this article and avoid her, maybe she’ll do something more productive such as mopping floors in the future as clearly prostitution isn’t for her.
Men don’t require a living flashlight, we need a women who does what she does with passion and professionalism who truly cares about what she does not whole with legs. All that I can say is that she proved to be by far the most disgusting whore I have ever had.
Grade 0