New brothel identification laws in Switzerland

A set of new laws have recently been enforced in Zurich in Switzerland regarding entry into brothels and sex clubs. People who wish to visit these types of places are required to show their ID upon entering starting from October 1. The brothels are required to check the clients’ identification and verify its legitimacy. The new laws were added because of a spike in people who got infected with the COVID-19 disease through illegally operated brothels in the area. Read on to find out more about the new laws in Switzerland, as well as to learn about the current situation in Vienna!

Clients need to show their ID upon entering a brothel in Zurich

Starting from October 1, all clients who enter a sex venue need to verify themselves and show their IDs in Zurich, Switzerland. The brothel owners need to keep the clients’ data for a set amount of time in order for the government to backtrack in case people start getting infected with the COVID-19 disease. This can be a great way to ensure that the virus’ spread is slowed; however, this also introduced numerous problems for the clients.

With these new laws, there is no way for a client to remain anonymous when entering a brothel in Switzerland. This has sparked controversy among the clients, especially those who do not wish to have their names on a list of brothel visitors. Being required to identify yourself might make a lot of people think twice about visiting a sex bar, especially those who are not supposed to be seen visiting such establishments.

Current COVID-19 restrictions and laws in Vienna, Austria

A new set of laws has been introduced in Vienna too starting from September 28, but they are not as strict as the ones in other German speaking countries, like Germany and Switzerland.

Clients who visit Viennese brothels, sex clubs and other similar establishments are required to fill out a form upon entering the locale. The form requires the clients to enter their full name, telephone number and e-mail address. Although the brothel owners are obliged to present the form and ask the client to fill it out, they are not allowed to check the clients’ ID cards. This means that although required, the information provided is not checked and validated. The brothel owners need to keep the collected data about the clients and their employees for up to 28 days, after which they need to be destroyed.

Additionally, there is no restriction on the opening times at sex venues is Vienna, but bars are not allowed to serve drinks after 1 AM in the main area. Face masks are recommended, but they are not mandatory once the client has entered the establishment. The masks are only required in case the client needs to get up from their seats for one reason or another.

You can find the form that Viennese brothels are required to present to their clients here.

corona virus form Wien
the form that Viennese brothels are required to present to their clients

Other Vienna related news

In addition to the new set of laws that were recently introduced, we have posted about other Viennese news on our blog too. For example, about the Changes to the Green Card Health Exam in Vienna that allows ladies who wish to work in the Vienna sex scene to apply for their health exams online. This makes the whole process much more convenient and organized for new ladies, as well as those who wish to book their regular appointments.

Not every establishment in Vienna managed to survive the changes that were brought about by the COVID-19 disease. The Beverly Hills Club is still closed after the lockdown and we have no news about when or if the stripclub is going to reopen. This means that the strip club scene in Vienna has narrowed down to only one option, which is Maxim Wien. Unfortunately there are not as many strip venues in Vienna as there used to be, but at least they have not gone fully extinct either.

Conclusion on new COVID-19 laws

As we can see the Viennese laws are much less strict than the newly introduced laws in Zurich. Even though there are restrictions everywhere, Vienna is still a good and safe destination from a mongering standpoint. The current limitations are not very inconvenient and the sex scene can still be enjoyed to its fullest potential.

At this moment, we are not sure which laws are more effective at lowering the spread of the COVID-19 virus, and only time can answer that. We will have to wait and see how things unfold in the next couple of months. Until then, be sure to regularly visit back to the Sex-Vienna blog for news. And don’t forget you can always join the SV forum community and discuss any of the latest news regarding the sex scene in Vienna and around the world.

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