Best Asia Studio in Vienna – Real Chinese beauties

Asians in Vienna in general

Update 19.08.2021. The website was closed. We’ve removed its links from this article.

In Vienna you can find a great amount of Asia Studios and Apartments which usually are disguised as massage institutes but which are in fact nothing but sex studios and – since they are mostly in apartments – they are illegal for not following the newest prostitution laws in Austria. I don’t know what will happen to most of them in the immediate future but I assume there will be a big cleansing going on in Austria’s capital and many of the places will have to shut down for good.

The prices in almost all Asia studios and apartments are very tempting and you can a lot of things for your money there. Sex without condom is not rare there and it is not expensive either. Also you can get what we punters call GFE – the real Girl friend experience which is kissing and a tender approach of the girl without much haste and pressure.

I could make a big list now with all the Asia Studios but I advise you go to the Austrian Erotikforum and inform yourself there. Today I want to write about one Asian Studio in particular

Studio Asia Girls – the best Asian girls in Vienna

If you browse the websites of most Asian Studios in Vienna you will see stunning images of lovely creatures that everybody would want to nail if ever given the chance. Only one tiny problem: those images are ALWAYS fake and the girls you would then meet would be way less pretty and young than what you hoped you would meet. And that was my first thought when I read about this new Asia joint in the 12th district directly on the Gürtel (meanwhile they moved to an official studio in the 20th district).

So I can only say that I was extremely astounded to hear and read only praise about this new Asia studio/apartment and the really pretty girls whose service was allegedly excellent. I read about it on the Erotikforum where in general you can get a lot of great info most of the time but sometimes you have to deal with fake reviews and lots of fake users. But with a little experience you learn how to filter info that you can trust and info that sounds fake cuz it is just too good to be true.

So I wanted to see and learn for myself and made an appointment through the forum and private message. I will soon add pictures, when I have a bit more time.

Finding the location of the Asia Girls

When  I was there for the first time the team was still in its original apartment in the 12th district, sorry I forgot the name of the street but it was on the corner of Arndtstrasse/Gürtel in one of the first houses there on the right. The parking situation there was not great but with a little patience you can always find a spot there. But you don’t have to, because the girls have moved by now ;)

The apartment was tastefully furnished and a guy opened and led me to a kind of waiting room which later turned out to also be the “nailing room” :)

Only one of the 3 girls that were supposed to work that particular day was available but as I had heard they were all equal in terms of look and service and age so I didn’t mind. The available girl’s name was Yu Li.

Angel YU LI entering the scene

I felt so happy! :)

Really, it was the first time outside of an Asian city that I had the possibility to meet such an Asian beauty in a brothel and for fair prices too. So I agreed that YU LI was indeed my girl of choice and handed over 80€ for half an hour which is steep for Asian standards and Viennese studio standards in general too but for that girl, it was totally justified. Her ENG was above average and she smelled great and smiled at me all the time. So I asked for a shower and before she led me into the bath room, she turned on some lovely Asian melody on the stereo. Then she gave me a towel and showed me the way. The whole apartment was pretty, big and clean, the bath room too. So we both stepped into the shower and we cleaned each other in a way that we punters usually dream about but very rarely get from the girls. The cleansing took almost 5 mins and I felt that we were both clean enough to get dirty.

Back in the room and the sex

In the rooms there were no real beds, only mattresses on the floor but good enough for me. In the new studio I assume there will be real beds now as I know the studio from a time when there were other owners.

So we lay down on the mattress and YU LI starts to feel me up real slow and nicely. There was no kissing, she always turned her head but apart from that it was almost GFE. Then she started with the blowjob real nice and slow and tender until I told her to be a bit faster for variance. Solid! I then started to make my way down on her and see what we have there. Many of you will be surprised to hear that she was shaved in full down there. Not a single hair which is also rare for Asian girls who usually wear a proud bush on them. What can I say, she is pretty, clean and lovely and I kissed he for almost 10 mins down there. She might have enjoyed, I am never certain but she made me believe that she liked it.

So we tried all the usual positions and YU LI has no problem trying to keep up with all of them. She’s really not the kind of girl that would just lay there and wait for the deed to be done, no she was quite active until the end.

It was a great sexual experience with a super nice Asian young lady!

I guess we spent almost all of the 30 minutes and after I was done, I took another shower and left. The guy who had let me in also led me out with a nice good bye. I will not hide the fact from you that he is encouraging all Erotikforum users to review the experience. He is also offering a little treat, if I may call it that. I have not reviewed her in the forum because I rather save my reviews for my own site and because I do not need discounts.

But I found it nice that he asked and that he offered. There are ONLY nice reviews about the Asian girls in the Forum. I will leave it up to your imagination why that is the case. I can only say that my experience with YU LI was way above average for a good price.

Asian girl YU LI the summary – final thoughts

  • very pretty for an Asian girl
  • very nice and clean beauty
  • all natural
  • good price

8/10 – I will go there again.

Now I can reveal to you the new location and the website: —– sorry, it is a really ugly website but the images are real.

This just in – the Asia Girls have now built a new site on their own domain – – check it out

Romanogasse 21

1200 Wien

Also add your thoughts or ask your questions in the related Sex-Vienna forum thread:

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