Worst studios in Vienna

There’s an abundance of sex studios in Vienna, but unfortunately most of them have a very bad reputation. These bad studios are often very cheap and offer AO, but the service that the girls offer is extremely bad and lackluster.

In this post, we are writing about some of the worst studios in Vienna that you should avoid at all costs. The studios we are going to list are definitely terrible, most of them are in bad shape and nobody would miss them if they were closed.

If you’re interested in learning more, be sure to read the whole post!

Studio Czerningasse

Studio Czerningasse is located at Czerningasse 1 and it is a chain of three studios which are all considered to be among the worst in Vienna. The studios are all in terrible condition and they are very much run-down. In fact, these three studios might be the ugliest in the city.

The entrance of one of the worst studios in Vienna, Studio Czerningasse 1 on Google Street View
Studio Czerningasse 1 on Google Street View

The three studios look disastrous and nobody is advised to go there. As a result of the place being a total dump, the girls are not very enthusiastic about their customers. Most of the girls who work there just laid on the bed until the sessions are over. Additionally, there have been reports where the girls did not respect the time that was paid and they tried to end the session early.

Even though some of the women who work there are not particularly ugly, the service that they give and the state of the studios are good reasons to avoid these places. On a side note, the studios are known for housing older women who are not the prettiest working girls in Vienna.

The studios at Czerningasse are definitely not recommended places in Vienna, especially if you are looking for a service-oriented experience with a dedicated and good looking girl. With the low prices that are being asked in studios like this, it is no wonder that the girls are giving a bad service one after the other in the first place. And besides, who would want to work or have sex in a total dump that these three studios are.

If you want to learn more about this studio or you want to join the conversation, check out the Studio Czerningasse 1 thread on the Sex in Vienna Forums now!

Studio Denisgasse (Studio Nightlife)

Studio Denizgasse at Denisgasse 9b in Vienna is yet another studio that we would not recommend visiting if you are looking for an enjoyable and erotic experience. Much like our previous entry, this studio is not particularly good looking either, but again, the main problem here are the girls that work in the studio.

Some punters have reported that the girls were intoxicated, rude and even unhygienic. Naturally, most of them are constantly looking at the clock and passively waiting for the session to be over.

Studio Czerningasse (Studio Nightlife)

Studio Denizgasse is yet another example of a studio in Vienna that nobody would really miss if it closed down. Unfortunately, most people who visit this place leave unsatisfied without even thinking about coming back for a second session.

You can learn more about this studio on the SV Forums. Take a look at the Studio Denisgasse 9b forum thread and share your own experiences with the community.

Studio Lux

Studio Lux is located in Nordwestbahnstrasse 9 and the studio’s reputation is just as bad as the other entries on our list. Much like the other worst studios in Vienna, Studio Lux is also infamous for the girls that work there. Reports indicate girls not delivering on the agreed upon and paid services, passive performance and overall unenthusiastic services.

Studio Lux Vienna entrance Google Maps
Studio Lux at Nordwestbahnstrasse 9 in Vienna

Unfortunately, the girls do not look particularly bad, but the service they give is extremely bad. Because of this, nobody is advised to visit Studio Lux, even if they see a girl with stunning visuals and extremely low prices.

There’s more about Studio Lux on the Sex in Vienna Forums. Go ahead and check out the thread for additional information about this studio.

Studio Siebertgasse 6

As the title suggest, this studio is located at Siebertgasse 6 and according to the online reports, it is a total disaster. Not only is the place run-down and not sympathetic at all, but the girls are trying to exploit the situation too. Some have even said that they got the “worst service in Vienna” at this studio, which is definitely saying something.

Some of the girls are not terrible looking and there have been a few cute girls working there, but the service that they offer is atrocious to say the least. Additionally, some people have also reported that even after being ensured that there are young and slim girls working in the studio, they only found overweight and unattractive women when they visited.

Studio Siebertgasse 6 is definitely not the place you want to go if you’re looking for a pleasurable and fulfilling sexual experience. Even if you think there’s a pretty girl working at this studio, most of the time you won’t be able to meet her. And if you do, chances are that you are in for a terrible experience.

If this wasn’t enough and you want to learn more, be sure to take a look at the SV Forum thread dedicated to Studio Siebertgasse 6 now.

Studio Senefeldergasse 77 (Studio Gina)

This is a studio that has an overwhelmingly large number of negative reviews online. Seemingly every review that was left about this studio on the local forum is depicting a scamming environment where the girls promise everything before the room and deliver nothing once it comes to the deed.

The girls often come up with the most ridiculous excuses, such as no blowjob because of a toothache, no position changing because it’s not comfortable and  only missionary is allowed where they can dictate the pace and the depth of penetration.

Studio Senefeldergasse 77 Vienna Google Maps, one of the worst studios in Vienna
Entrance to Studio Senefeldergasse 77 in Vienna

All in all, the service that punters get here can barely be called sex and we do not recommend visiting this studio to anyone.

More about Studio Senefeldergasse 77 on the Sex in Vienna Forums. Go ahead and read what other members of the community had to say about this place.

Studio Neulerchenfelder Strasse 91 (Studio Emma)

Considering the other studios on the list, this one might seem like a breath of fresh air, but unfortunately it isn’t. There are a few people who have had an acceptable session with the girls who work in Studio Neulerchenfelder Strasse, but most people complain about how unprofessional the girls who work there are.

Studio Neulerchenfelder Strasse 91 (Studio Emma)
source: Googme Maps

The most common thing the girls tend to do is to arrange a meeting and simply not open the studio’s door when the suitor arrives. This is a huge waste of time and money and should be a clear indicator that the place should be avoided at all costs.

Read more in related SV Forum thread: Studio Neulerchenfelderstrasse 91


In conclusion, none of the above mentioned studios are recommended to be visited by us. All of them are considered to be among the worst studios that you can visit, and we could never recommend going to such a place. The only redeeming quality that they share is the low prices that are asked by the girls. However, a gentleman who wants to have a good experience should never look for the cheapest price. As with everything in life, cheaper prices usually mean a bad product, or in this case a nightmarish experience with a not-so-good looking sexworker.

In case you wish to discuss this topic further, make sure you take a look at the conversation that’s happening over on the SV forum. Browse the Worst Studios in Vienna thread to find out more!

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