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It takes some time to find your favorite things in life, and this is also true for sex clubs. If you’ve already found a good brothel and you’re willing to become a regular guest there, or if you’re still searching for the best places in Vienna, then it’s worth keeping a few things in mind.
Sex clubs have their own etiquette, and you should always follow it when having fun. By ignoring it, you may be escorted out of the building, and in the worst case, you may even be blacklisted forever.
In this article, you can read about five things that will get you blacklisted in most of the Viennese brothels.
5 Don’ts When Having Fun in a Sex Club in Vienna
1. Exchanging numbers with the girls
You should keep in mind that the girls of the escort agency or brothel are doing their job when having sex with you. Even if they are nice and polite, they have their own private lives, and you are not part of it. This is because the girls want to keep their job within the walls of the brothel or provide escort services in secret, avoiding the stigmas that are still connected to this kind of work.
Sometimes clients can go even further, harassing the ladies in their homes, imagining an unreal picture of the woman and placing her on a pedestal, going crazy when this approach is not reciprocated. It is not surprising that brothels do not want such situations, even if you find a sex worker who would give her phone number to you.
2. Being impolite to the staff or the ladies
Having paid sex with someone is a two-way thing, and even if you pay for it for the sex worker, she is still a human being. If you are polite and kind, you will receive much better service than if you are rude and impatient. There is even a limit that, if crossed, will result in being completely neglected.
Sex workers might have worked in this industry for years, while staff members often have decades of experience. You can believe that they know every kind of customer. If you start causing too many problems, they will blacklist you in order to avoid bigger issues.
3. Trying to haggle and not respecting the price level of the service
The prices at the best brothels and escort agencies are set in stone, and this means you should never try to haggle. The price systems have been developed over years, and you can’t see the entire ecosystem behind a few hours of paid sex. The agencies and clubs are interested in providing a stable income for the girls; otherwise, they would quickly find themselves without sex workers.
When you try to haggle these prices, you are not only being disrespectful but also immediately come across as cheap. This can kill the chemistry between you and the sex worker, so never do this. She is not allowed to lower her prices just because you are asking, but after a failed haggling attempt, the service level can be unintentionally lowered. You might not even get the service because there is a risk that the sex worker will leave you immediately, and you will be escorted out of the club.
4. Pushing girls to do services they are not comfortable doing
The same is true for pushing the girls to do services they are not comfortable with. If you have special needs, it is better to discuss them with the staff or the lady upfront. It is possible that they won’t provide those services, but in such a case, you can try to find another place or escort girl who specializes in your specific needs.
But trying to push a lady to do things she does not want to do is at least disrespectful, and you may find yourself alone again as she leaves. If you try to force her to do these things, you might face legal consequences, as forcing people to engage in sexual acts they don’t want to is illegal in most countries and is punishable by law. Needless to say, the security personnel won’t be too friendly with you if you try to force any of the girls in the club.
5. Interfering with other clients and disturbing them
A very important part of brothel etiquette is that unless you book the place for a special party, you are not alone in the place. There are other guests who want to enjoy the night in their own peace and style and most likely don’t want to share this experience with strangers.
Of course, you can try to make conversation with other guests if they are open to it. But it is a huge red flag if you want to interrupt the interactions between other guests and the girls or if you are rude, loud, or disturbing in any other way. You can be 100% sure that the security personnel will step in during such cases and will kick you out of the club immediately. After this happens, there won’t be a chance to get in again because you will be blacklisted forever.