A Tale of two 19-year-olds that couldn’t be more different. Between heaven and disaster all in night

Sometimes when you have some time on your hands, one can become a little over-ambitious and I guess, this weekend I was guilty of exactly that. During my search to find the right girl for me, I came across 2 new ladies that I liked the most. Both their images and description texts seemed pretty appealing and contacting via text was as easy as it gets in both cases.

While I would rate the conversations as equal, for some reason I decided to pick Mira over Ivett and made a booking for later that very night. Maybe because she spoke both, English and German. This might have made me pick her over Ivett.

Being the experienced punter that I am I literally spelled it all out what I wanted to happen in the escort date and Mira agreed to everything instantaneously. At that point usually nothing much can go wrong, and I was all excited for things to happen.

When Mira arrived, the excitement was still there. She was actually almost on time, and I can say that the pics are real, although she came in very simple street clothes and didn’t at all make up for the date. Some more preparations would have been nice but stranger things have happened.

During the shortest of chit-chat, I found out that she is 19-years-old and that it is her first time in the beautiful city of Vienna.


Let’s list the things which are positive when it comes to Mira:

She is young, uses real pictures in her ad and speaks English and German. The body is very good as the pictures indicate. Firm and natural. Her teeth are good, and her smile is pretty cute. That’s it with the positives, though.

I wish there wasn’t but there is list of negatives as well. She didn’t take a shower at my place with I offered, and she declined but she really shouldn’t have.

A few things which I asked her in my texts all of a sudden had slipped her memory and she started to try and upsell in the most outrageous of ways. I mean, some ladies can get away with that if they are cute or somehow charming in the attempt but Mira is actually only rude about it. Also she made what I wanted to be a pleasant hour into a big rush.

She was very impatient and pushed me to be done quicker than I would usually be in a 20-minute-booking. I don’t want to write much more about it all. After the nagging became too annoying I sent her home and gave her the money she wanted just to done with her and get rid of her.

Click here to see Mira’s profile on EscortGuideVienna.com!


So, that obviously left me very unsatisfied and only one more ace up my sleeve: Ivett

I pulled up our text chain from earlier again and asked if she could spontaneously visit which she happily obliged. We also made a quick phone call in which I made sure that no bad surprises would await me this time.

Lovely voice, really good proper English and a polite conversationalist. All well, let’s get it on. Ivett actually arrives on time as well and I was even more pleased by her looks than with Mira a few hours earlier.

Very tastefully dressed, great make-up, just a lovely young lady and a huge contrast between those 2 ladies in question. Mira is a prostitute with that particular look very much on the nose. I guess people instantly see that. Not at all with Ivett, she has a girl-next-door kind of look of a pretty neighbour that you long for.

A much better conversation later I found myself in bed with a 19-year-old that is very sweet but mature as well. The body of a young goddess didn’t hurt my excitement either. I have a hard time listing negatives and positives because there are only positives with Ivett. Clean, lovely, passionate, honest and just the sex that you have when you really dig a girl and she makes you believe that she digs you back.

So, this is my tale of and disaster and heaven all in the time span of less than 3 hours. In the end all is well.

Click here to see Ivett’s profile on EscortGuideVienna.com!

In a 5* rating system with 5* being the best and 1* being the worst I give


  • 3* for the fact that she can’t be visited and only escort is an available option studio
  • 3,5* for her looks and language skills
  • 1* for dishonesty and all the upselling attempts
  • 2* for the lack of hygiene

Would I repeat? Definitely not!


  • 3* for the fact that she can’t be visited and only escort is an available option
  • 4* for the overall appearance. She very easy on the eyes
  • 5* for the effort of being lovely and nice
  • 5* for hygiene, conversation and skill between the sheets.

Would I repeat? Without a doubt!

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