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There have been a couple of changes in the Vienna sex scene recently; a few studios have closed, new ones opened and there are a few other news we will touch on as well. Let’s take a look at the latest 2016 Vienna sex scene news!
Studio Elisabeth and other Studios
In Hackengasse 5, in the 15th District of Vienna a studio named STUDIO ELISABETH was opened by the infamous escort agency, Studio Elisabeth.
It was mentioned in this weekly sex club review that Studio Arbeitergasse 42a was closed. Since then, it has been reopened and it is up for business once again.
The studio at Studio Juchgasse 36a, previously known as LUSTGROTTE was shut down and girls who previously worked there moved to Studio Czerningasse in the second district.
In the 17th district, Studio Hormayergasse was also closed. Thankfully, the girls who were here still have their jobs, as they moved to Rögergasse 12 in the 9th district and they work there now.
At this point, it is unclear if these studios were shut down by police or because of other reasons. We will keep you posted as new information emerges.
Summer Naked Party in Maxim Wien
In Sexclub Maxim Wien the Summer Naked Party was held on June 29. Not only that some great looking girls performed, but also the famous Burlesque Queen Wendy Night as well.
You can see the whole gallery of the party, with over 400 pictures: and

Take a look at this Sex-Vienna forum thread for more information or to share your own thoughts about the topic