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The European Football Championship takes place this year in Germany, and brothels are also focusing on this time period, as many people will visit the country between June 14 and July 14.
Leni Breymaier, SPD’s spokesperson for women’s issues, warns that brothels in Germany are already displaying the UEFA flag alongside the German flag. As happened similarly in the 2006 Football World Cup, politicians have concerns that there will again be a spike in prostitution and forced prostitution, since security resources are focused on counter-terrorism and game safety.
Some politicians believe that the high demand for girls will lead to an increase in forced prostitution
Next week, the Bundestag will discuss the issue, with the “Parliamentary Circle on Prostitution and Pornography” considering a potential “sex purchase ban” ahead of the Paris Olympics and Euro 2024.
Breymaier, who founded the circle, highlighted that the men’s European Football Championship is largely a celebration for men, and some use women to express their frustrations or joys.
She pointed out that foreign articles promote how easy and legal it is to buy women in Germany, with brothels anticipating increased business. Breymaier warned that the demand during the championship is expected to exceed what voluntary sex workers can meet, leading to more forced prostitution.
A 2006 European Parliament resolution noted a significant temporary increase in demand for sexual services during large events.
Breymaier calls for increased checks on prostitution venues and urges potential clients to consider whether a woman is there voluntarily or under coercion.
Dorothee Bär (CSU), deputy faction leader of the Union, agrees with these concerns, noting that women are brought from the poorest countries to Germany to meet demand. Pimps and traffickers often deceive these women and profit significantly.
Bär describes the championship as a nightmare for these women, similar to the 2006 World Cup, blaming ineffective prostitution laws and government inaction. Silvia Breher (CDU), the Union’s family policy spokesperson, suggests adopting the “Nordic Model,” which includes penalizing clients and expanding prevention and exit programs.
However, while we are strictly against forced prostitution and human trafficking, we seriously believe that the Nordic Model would have a huge negative impact on the current paid sex scene in DACH countries, including Austria as well.
Read our related article where we covered the top 10 reasons why this model is bad for sex workers: