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When it comes to Viennese escort agencies, some of them are not as respectable and reliable as they show themselves to be. Much like anything else that you might order online, there are a couple of things that can go wrong with escort agencies as well. You thought getting the shoes you ordered in a wrong size is devastating? Try booking a sexy looking girl, only to see a completely different one arriving at your room. Most of the time the substitute girl is not as good looking as the one you picked. And we haven’t even mentioned upselling. This can not only cost you a lot of money, but it can also waste your precious time as well.
These escort agencies tend to use a variety of different schemes and scams to get the most out of the clients that call them. This is exactly why we have compiled this list to help individuals spot and identify an escort agency using shady tactics, or one that is probably trying to scam them. If you’re interested in learning about these scam methods in Vienna, be sure to continue reading the whole post!
Commonly used escort agency scamming methods
Before we get into teaching you how to identify these escort agencies, let’s first look at some of the shady tactics that they are known to use. Basically, these are the reasons why you want to be able to spot these escort agencies and avoid them as much as possible.
- Scamming escort agencies often use pictures of non-existent girls on their site to lure clients in. This can mean overly enhancing images to the point of not being able to recognize the girl. It can also mean that the agency simply found some pictures online and uploaded them to the site as their own.
- Some escort agencies deliberately send the wrong girl and not the one that was actually booked. Usually, the girl that arrives isn’t as pretty as the one you chose. When this happens, you are free to decline the girl and simply send her away. You are never forced to pay for something that you didn’t order in the first place.
- Showing low prices on the site is also a definite red-light. Even if the agency isn’t a fraud, the low price will definitely have its effects on the service level and the girls’ attitude too.
- Some escort girls simply don’t do the previously agreed upon extras that you already paid for. And calling the agency won’t do you any good either, as they are probably in on the scam too.
So, now that you know exactly what type of scams these shady escort agencies tend to use, let’s take a look at how you are able to identify and bypass these services.
Look for reviews about the escort agency
One of the advantages of the internet is that no information is hidden or unavailable. If you stumble upon an escort agency and you want to check if it’s known for scamming or not, go ahead and look for reviews left by other random people. Any business that has some reputation will have reviews; and the same goes for escort agencies. There are numerous forums, blogs and other sites that have reviews of Viennese escort agencies. It is always a good idea to read up on a couple of reviews before booking. This way, you can clearly see what types of experiences other clients previously had and decide from there.
Here are a few good forums and boards that you can follow for information about Vienna:
- International Sex Guide (Austria/Vienna section)
- Sex-Vienna Forums
- Erotikforum (in German)
The prices seem too good to be true
In Vienna, there are many so-called “cheap escort agencies” that try to lower their price as much as possible. Naturally, if you pay a lower price, you are probably going to get a poor service too. Or something else might happen, like the wrong girl arriving or not receiving the services that were previously agreed upon. It is also common for girls to charge a lot more than expected for certain extras.
Looking for the cheapest service is never a good idea, regardless of what you’re buying. By opting for the lowest offer, there is a high chance of being victim of an escort agency scam. This can lead to an extremely unpleasant experience or even something worse, like theft.
The pictures on the site are not the same quality
When browsing an escort agency’s website, you might see that some of their girls have model-like pictures, while others have selfies made with a phone. In these cases, the model photos might have been heavily photoshopped, while the selfies could have been stolen. Or even both of the pictures could have been stolen.
In case you are suspicious, you can always use certain software to help you find the origin of a certain image. For example, Google’s Reverse Image Search allows you to see all instances of a particular image on the internet. TinEye is also a great website that lets you reverse search images. Search the pictures you find on the escort site and see if they were used anywhere else on the internet.
Check out this Sextoplists article about the by following the link!
Having to register or pay before seeing the escorts
Another ingenious method used in other countries is restricting the girls’ pictures to a so called “Member’s area”. It’s not the end of the world if you simply have to finish a registration form without having to pay anything. However, if you are asked to enter your credit card information or pay them in any other way to see their girls, they are probably trying to scam you. You should be able to see exactly what they are offering before booking. Escort agencies that have their pictures behind a pay-wall are usually not recommended. Even though this isn’t something that commonly happens in Vienna, it is not unheard of in other places, such as Hungary.
Hopefully this article thought you something about identifying scammer escort agencies in Vienna. When choosing an escort service, it is impeccable that you choose a reliable and safe agency. Otherwise, you could be victim to any of the above mentioned scams and schemes that they tend to use.
You can discuss this topic with other members on the Sex-Vienna forums by clicking on the link.
On the other hand, if you go with an already highly regarded agency, you are probably going to have a good time. The reason why these agencies are at the top is because they respect their clients and do everything in their power to make them happy and come back for more. Choosing a reputable escort agency in Vienna ensures that you’re going to have a great time in your hotel room with the escort girl of your choosing.
If you want to choose the safe route, take a look at the reviews that we have published for two reputable escort agencies in Vienna: Escort Girls Vienna (EGV) and Bijou Escort. Click on the links to read the full reviews now!