Undercover police operation against illegal prostitution

Last Monday, an undercover police operation in Vienna has been executed by the department that deals with illegal prostitution. This happened in an apartment building, in the 3rd district of Vienna, for the first time ever. In an undercover operation a police officer ordered multiple illegal escorts to a private apartment. After their escorts arrived, the girls have been inspected and had their papers checked. Most of the girls that were booked advertised their services in newspapers and online.

The Result of the Undercover Police Operation in Vienna

The operation can be seen as a full success. Out of the 8 people that were checked, 7 of them have been apprehended (6 females and 1 male) who did not have the proper documentation. Charges have been filed against the individuals and police officers arrested a Brazilian male who was in Austria without a VISA. He was most probably there without a work permit.

Why did Police Take Action against Illegal Prostitution?

The main reason why this undercover police operation in Vienna was conducted is because there have been multiple complaints by customers who got infected with various STDs. All registered sexworkers have to attend proper health inspections on regular basis and these illegal prostitutes skip this step entirely. This was long overdue and there are most probably going to be further action taken against illegally working girls in Wien.

Illegal Prostitution and Why You Should avoid it!

The Austrian Prostitution Law has strict criteria that all brothels have to meet. This is a positive direction that the police are taking. This is due to the fact that there are still many girls and operators who do not care about following the rules. Having sex with a girl that does not have the right papers or health inspections can be devastating for any customer.

We have previously talked about a girl who offers bad services to their clients and works illegally. Andreea (now known as Alexa) also worked from this apartment building in Barichgasse 1030. She might also be in association with the illegal prostitution circle. Her ads have disappeared, but they recently started showing up once again; however, this might just be a coincidence. Of course, this is all speculation and there is no real proof of this actually being the case. If you wish to read more about the illegal apartment or Andreea, be sure to read the full review.

Further Police Intervention

Police car in Vienna

The head of the department against illegal prostitution, Wolfgang Langer stated that this is not the last action that they have taken against illegally working prostitutes. They are going to keep conducting such undercover police operation in Vienna until justice is served. If you are interested in reading the German report, follow the link. You can also join the dispute at this forum thread: http://forum.sex-vienna.com/Thread-Undercover-Police-Operation-against-Illegal-Prostitution

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